Portals to Rest
Saturday 11th October 1230 - Monday 13th October 1700
Want to learn about the fundamentals of a rest practice? This is for you.
An immersion for enthusiasts of rest + those interested in sharing restorative practices as well as those that find rest difficult or challenging.
In rest the human-ness subsides + we put the karma to one side.
Join Pip and go deep to feel into the fundamentals of a rest practice aka Rest 101.
What will we cover?
An embodied approach to resting
Nervous system resilience, regulation and release of charge
Considered sequencing of practices
Reading the room
Physical forms
Use of equipment (in studio and at home)
Trauma informed methods
Scholarships available for those who are underrepresented in wellness - please apply via email.
Early bird now on for those who pay in full.