The practices I offer are an opportunity to practice living fully - to feel into all aspects of yourself and live with full spectrum vibrancy.
To live your whole life without limiting yourself to an idea or preconception from somebody else. To find your true essence within.
Practice with me is an invitation to slow down and take some time to deeply connect. I offer you a chance to fully experience yourself.
To throw away preconceived ideas you may have gathered about yoga and get on the mat and journey with your body.
Poses provide portals to feel and offer way points on a journey (there is so much more to yoga than pretzel manoeuvres and naming muscles).
These sacred shapes opening the door into our inner world. To become a students of our senses. The spaces and places in between, transitory moments that are so textured.
This is not about zenning out (though that may happen) nor about stretching (though that may happen too) its about being with whatever there is there within you.
To begin to find that connection to whatever passing through your being in that moment. Inner landscapes can change so quickly, through practice we can learn to be with whatever is going on, to be fully present.
We journey together and feel into the natural currents, elements and forms within our bodies, a western scientific lens meeting eastern philosophy and natural sensation in a synergistic way.
My teachers are Satu Tuomela, Tara Judelle, Scott Lyons and Shiva Rea and I am always heavily inspired by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. You can see a full list of my trainings here