Yoga to get you straight to sleep rather than sitting with your mind racing….
We are probably all familiar with those nights that we just cannot get to sleep, when maybe our bodies and minds are too wound to allow that quiet darkness to begin to sink through us. Often these nights come in packs, all clustered together. This sequence is here to draw you back into connection before you “hit the hay”, a restorative sequence that is intended to be done in your bed, with pillows and blankets as support. Make sure your bedding supports you to rest - natural fibres only please people, the bamboo sheets in these shots are from the wonderfully named Sloth London, so smooth and slinky!
Once you’ve sorted your homewares, get on with brushing your teeth, washing your face and maybe treat yourself to a face and neck massage with your favourite face oil so you begin to drop into your body. We want you to have that “ready for bed feeling”, so pyjamas or no pyjamas, however you sleep. (I wore Pjs for the shoot, because I don’t think I want to niche myself as a naked yogi thank you very much.)
I would strongly suggest not reading this off a screen as you do the sequence if that is at all possible - we have all heard the no screens for 32 hours before bed rule haven’t we - but how many of us are actually taking heed? If you are in need of this yoga, if you are having issues sleeping, you also maybe need to start to listening to other ways of supporting your rest too, sorry for getting all mum on you, but these things are usually multifactorial.. Its 5 postures, you can remember, that I am sure of (if you aren’t so sure, then note them down with an olde worlde pen and piece of paper maybe?
We will start with a few deep breaths sat on the edge of the bed. Let your body soften so it is really receptive and you feel the swell and shrink of the breath through your whole belly - the sides and back of it too, not just the front.
Here we lay on our back and allow our knees. To slowly lower to one side - perhaps use a pillow under the bottom legs in between the legs too in order really find a sense of support as you very gently wring out the day from your body. Explore drawing the knees up or lengthening them away from you - find what feels comfortable - we aren’t hunting for a huge stretch here, just a different shape from the normal. After a few minutes repeat the other side - maybe twisting in the other way wants different support - again - what feels right?
Childs Pose
Taking your pillow (or two) out in front of you whilst kneeling, knees apart, very slowly and gently lower yourself down creating a really long spine as you body ripples down on to it. Maybe take some slow movements - more spinal rolls as you find your comfortable place. Arms may be placed out in front of you, of maybe hands rest on feet and you can sneak in a foot massage. Take a few minutes here once you find your still point.
Happy Baby
Come to lay on your back, draw your knee towards your armpits, and then either hold on to the backs of the knees or with your arms on the between your legs, maybe hands find feet. Take it easy as you explore movements around , maybe a gentle rock side to side or feet drawing past the face and beyond the head. Eventually you’ll find a spot to settle into for a few minutes.
Feet up the wall
A stalwart for insomniacs - feet up the wall air a total treat for the nervous system. The most complex part of it is getting the feet up the wall - there is usually, even in the most practiced of yogis a fair bit of shuffling about - try starting seated facing along the wall then roll onto your back and lift the legs up, shuffle your bum towards the wall. Once there maybe try a pillow under the back of the hips - how does this feel for you. Again stay here a while
Finishing in Savasana
You’ll probably want to do this in bed not on bed tbh (and the right way around, head on pillow). Cover yourself with a heavy blanket or duvet,. Arrange yourself so you feel evens through your parts, and allow yourself to soften into your bed and to sleep